본문으로 건너뛰기


Headless UI components for React

Getting started

  1. Install the package
$ npm install @cos-ui/primitives

  1. Import the parts

Import and structure the parts.

import { Tab } from '@cos-ui/primitives';

const TabDemo = () => (
<Tab>Tab A</Tab>
<Tab>Tab B</Tab>
<Tab.Panel>Tab Panel 1</Tab.Panel>
<Tab.Panel>Tab Panel 2</Tab.Panel>

You can styling your component using styled of styled-components.

import { Tab } from '@cos-ui/primitives';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const StyledTab = styled(Tab)`
/* style */

const StyledTabList = styled(Tab.List)`
/* style */

const StyledTabPanel = styled(Tab.Panel)`
/* style */

StyledTab.Group = Tab.Group;
StyledTab.List = StyledTabList;
StyledTab.Panels = Tab.Panels;
StyledTab.Panel = StyledTabPanel;

// OR

const StyledTabRoot = styled(Tab)`
/* style */

const StyledTab = Object.assign(StyledTab, {
Group: Tab.Group,
List: StyledTabList,
Panels: Tab.Panels,
Panel: StyledTabPanel,

export default StyledTab;